Saturday Sep 03, 2005 Sep 3, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Hi folks. Just stopping in to say hey. What do you have planned for the long weekend? VIEW 9 of 9 COMMENTS james88: playing KoL! w00t! -- Ziti Bop Sep 4, 2005 saucissedanseuse: ...and what did you end up doing? my weekend went as planned: two festivals in three days - and one festival was a 2-day affair saw a lot of bands,and there were italian sgs too! hooray! now i have lost my voice,but thatw as in the plans too. too much singing along. LOL ciao! Sep 5, 2005
-- Ziti Bop
my weekend went as planned: two festivals in three days - and one festival was a 2-day affair
saw a lot of bands,and there were italian sgs too! hooray!
now i have lost my voice,but thatw as in the plans too. too much singing along. LOL