I've decided that I am going to take things as they come. One day at a time. One moment at a time. One blink. Do not get your hopes up. Do not make expectations. Be yourself. Don't be afraid. Take risks.
Fucking right babe. You ought to take risks. No one who doesn't take risks has ever one in this life or has moved to a rank of leader. Cowards hide behind rules and regulations. Rules leading to safety are for the fearful. I"m proud of you. Weather it deals with the heart or mind take those risks, and let me know how they turn out. But, taking a risk and failing does not mean you don't take more risks, remember that.........L8er beautiful...........AJ
Eh, it's been a while since I've updated. Let's see... what's been going on with me... Tuesday I went out and bought The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... Wednesday was my friend Hegger's Birthday... Friday I hung out with her, her boyfriend Dave, and Danny. Smoked out of Dave's kickass hookah. So high... Soooo high I was. Mmmm I love me some Mary Jane. I... Read More
I'm a Modern Day Pirate
I can't tell you about my best drunk stories cause I was too drunk to remember , I had to hear about my antics from everybody else
Well I only started being a stoner about a year ago and am hardly one anymore due to living at home. The main time I was a stoner was when I was in a frat. I know thats hardly a typical thing for people here but this was not a typical frat. Hell it was from people in that frat I first heard about SG and we all listened to good music and partied hard. Plus they were dorky as hell considering me and a friend busted out Magic: the Gathering cards at a Rush event and were expecting to get hazed for it but like 3 brothers got out their cards.
Anyways, the frat was full of stoners so we planned something big for April 20th but being stoners it didn't come together as well as planned. Regardless we went camping on April 19th and spent a lot of time getting drunk and high and then hot boxed the tent to sleep in. Smoked out at midnight to ring in 4/20 and then set an alarm for 4:20 am when we smoked out again all with the tent closed so we slept in pot. We all woke up high but still did a wake and bake then played hacky sack for a bit and headed back to the frat.
Once at the frat the real craziness started. We started with passing two bongs around the room one going clockwise and the other counter-clockwise. So every once in a while someone would get two bong hits right in a row. We packed each of them like 4 or 5 times and then decided there weren't enough bongs so we took the two we had and went to the other side of the frat where others were smoking. So then we were passing 3 bongs around, one clockwise, one counter-clockwise, and another mostly clockwise but occasionally random. Then after a few rounds of that we got out the 6 foot bong for whoever wanted to hit a bong but wasn't going to get one for a little. After a hit or two of that and many many hits of the other I got the ultimate bong convergence. The two going opposite directions both came to me right after I had done the random one so when I was finishing the two the guy who had gotten the random one passed it back to me so I hit it again. Then right after I was like ok I need the maximum bongage and got up and hit the 6 footer. I sat back down and didn't move for at least 6 hours. It was amazing.
So I had class on Friday on an hour and a half of sleep. Not fun. Then I came home and ended up falling asleep 15 minutes before we had to leave. I went to my old High School's football game because my little brother plays for the midget league and they got to go out on the field. Also, I've known the new band... Read More
That is totally great. Though sadly it reminds me of the saddest thing I heard about the movie. A guy I work with who had never read the books saw it and was he knew I had read it since I wouldn't shut up about it for the like month before it came out (to be fair I work at a movie store so this was clearly a valid topic of conversation). All the action figures have towels and so he asked me "hey what was the deal with the towel anyways." I was so saddened that the concept of the towel was not clearly communicated in the movie. Oh well. Those towels still clearly kick ass though. I'll try to snag you a poster after it hits DVD.