i had the most emotional/vivid dream earlier this morning.
the earth was being sucked into it's self. only a few people could be saved by being sent into space. i don't think i was in it but i was seeing it all through someone elses eyes. hundreds of thousands of people being sucked to death. there were family's with children holding each other, crying. it ended with whoever i was getting into some sort or rocket with 4 other poeple just in time to see the last of the earth disappear. i woke up very sad.
the earth was being sucked into it's self. only a few people could be saved by being sent into space. i don't think i was in it but i was seeing it all through someone elses eyes. hundreds of thousands of people being sucked to death. there were family's with children holding each other, crying. it ended with whoever i was getting into some sort or rocket with 4 other poeple just in time to see the last of the earth disappear. i woke up very sad.
ive just woken up and im freaked out too. I had a dream that Roby did a jornal and at the end of it put a note to me saying:
*Hi Leon!*
..which is my real name. it also said she was listening to REM.
I was thinking in my dream- she doesnt know my name, how did she come up with that?
Then i woke up and checked out my friends list and Roby had just written a journal ( ), didnt mention me at all though. The REM bit must have been due to the fact that REM is Rapid Eye Movement which is the deepest part of your sleep which is when you dream the most. Ive just left a note for her saying this and she will now think im very weird!