Won't you please go away.
I don't want see anybody.
Here I'll stay in my dark hollow and play on this programable electric device.
Go about with your life.
Don't rely on me to be happy.
I promise we'll go out once the cable modem disconnects itself.
I'm not myself.
I'm and elf in a magic land.
I've got comitments to my clan some from Japan.
They were flanked in the field where the cyclops dwell if I don't hurry up they'll all be killed.
Your moving out all your stuff.
Now I'll have room for more stuff.
Now noone will moan when I use the microwave at two a.m.
You said"all you wants are the hook-ups."
Well honey pie your ups were hooked.
Now I've got friends whom in which found the same filler of that void.
I'm not myself.
I'm an elf with a magic bow.
I've got comitments to my clan some from Tokyo.
They were flanked in the field where the dog from hell dwells if I don't hurry up they'll all be killed.
You gave me the ultimtum, I decided on role playin.
I'm not myself.
A little song of mine about addiction.
I don't want see anybody.
Here I'll stay in my dark hollow and play on this programable electric device.
Go about with your life.
Don't rely on me to be happy.
I promise we'll go out once the cable modem disconnects itself.
I'm not myself.
I'm and elf in a magic land.
I've got comitments to my clan some from Japan.
They were flanked in the field where the cyclops dwell if I don't hurry up they'll all be killed.
Your moving out all your stuff.
Now I'll have room for more stuff.
Now noone will moan when I use the microwave at two a.m.
You said"all you wants are the hook-ups."
Well honey pie your ups were hooked.
Now I've got friends whom in which found the same filler of that void.
I'm not myself.
I'm an elf with a magic bow.
I've got comitments to my clan some from Tokyo.
They were flanked in the field where the dog from hell dwells if I don't hurry up they'll all be killed.
You gave me the ultimtum, I decided on role playin.
I'm not myself.
A little song of mine about addiction.

Heh. Yummy rhythmic noise soundscapes sex appeal...

you are too too