I realize many people who read this will make the obvious 'you shouldn't have gotten it in the first place' or 'you knew you were going to regret it' argument - but please just hear me out: when I got this, put on my body, I did not regret it. It felt right. But regrets always comes years later....
So yes I do regret the decision I've made, to let the tattoo artist put my ex his name on my side. That's a lesson I've learned the hard way.
Now almost 10 years after that tattoo placement, I'm happy with my current boyfriend and daughter. We are together for over 6 years now. And I've had several tattoo session already to coverup the previous tattoo.
But because it's on my left side, and I wanted to cover up the whole tattoo. And not just the name. We had to make it a lot bigger. And unfortunately that costs a lot of money.
I haven't been able to work for the last 5 years. I've had an burn out a few months before I ended the relationship. And shortly after I've ended it I've had an operation on my uterus and ovaries. One year later I was pregnant (with my current boyfriend) and I was diagnosed with postnatal depression.All my savings were spend on the last coverup session. And I really want it to finish it as soon as possible. So I can put on a bikini, and actually be confident and comfortable with how I look.
Even though you can't see his name anymore (the tattoo artist started with covering that). I still don't like to looking the mirror. Cause the only thing I see is that hideous tattoo underneath.
I would love to have your support, so I can leave the past in the past. So I can move on with my life.