so...i got antibiotics and what not for my mouth...its starting to feel a little still in a lot of pain though. i had to take the barbell outta my tounge yesterday...because its been swollen and i think it got infected from everything going on in my mouth..well i poked it through once yesterday-still open...but i forgot and fell asleep without doing it, and its closed up today. even though ive had it for 3 years.
im two best friends are coming to visit next month...and theyre bringing their friend bobo, whom i met when i went to orlando last november. he was really really awsome. i only got to talk to him for about 10 minutes by ourselves outside the sushi place, but i thought he was really fucking cool, and really hot as well. well he told me he has a thing for me *blush* so it should be an interesting visit. we're all going to drive to jersey for a day or two as well. i cant wait!!!!!!
last night megan (kennys girlfriend) picked me up from work and we went and got coffee and icecream from sheetz...then we went to tylers house to meet him and rita to watch a movie. we watched kalifornia...which she and rita had never seen...its a good movie. of course because david duchovny is in it. then we put in BASEketball and i fell asleep on megan
tyler took a picture of it, its cute.
now, im just waiting for kenny to call me. we're finally going to get to hang out tonight. its been just about all week since we've actually gotten to do anything together. so im excited. he's my best friend.
im two best friends are coming to visit next month...and theyre bringing their friend bobo, whom i met when i went to orlando last november. he was really really awsome. i only got to talk to him for about 10 minutes by ourselves outside the sushi place, but i thought he was really fucking cool, and really hot as well. well he told me he has a thing for me *blush* so it should be an interesting visit. we're all going to drive to jersey for a day or two as well. i cant wait!!!!!!
last night megan (kennys girlfriend) picked me up from work and we went and got coffee and icecream from sheetz...then we went to tylers house to meet him and rita to watch a movie. we watched kalifornia...which she and rita had never seen...its a good movie. of course because david duchovny is in it. then we put in BASEketball and i fell asleep on megan

now, im just waiting for kenny to call me. we're finally going to get to hang out tonight. its been just about all week since we've actually gotten to do anything together. so im excited. he's my best friend.

i hate tyler, like whoa, hate some tyler

ooh have fun with bobo..sorry about your tounge thats what i hate about body piercings when they close up so fast its quite sad