so dale and i officially OFFICIALLY called it quits tonight....we've been broken up for a month and a half...but we've been hanging out every so often and talking about maby eventually getting back together one day. but some of the things ive done and or have been doing and vice versa...we decided to say fairwell...and be friends. we both cried...we do love and care about each other very much. but he and i agree...i think we're in completely different places right now. and im actually having a great time being single....and although it sucks happy most of the time, and it definitly outways the times im sad right now. i think he is more upset than i am...i think he's realized what he's lost...actually what he gave up. if its ment to be, we'll find each other again.
but until going to continue to be me...dancing and being a dork...and hanging out with my dorky friends....and play with light sabers, and watch zombie movies....and drink beer...cheering on my boys while they wrestle....and watch wrestling with them...shake my booty with my ladies....and play beer pong till i puke (which hasnt happend yet...because i try not to puke!)
but until going to continue to be me...dancing and being a dork...and hanging out with my dorky friends....and play with light sabers, and watch zombie movies....and drink beer...cheering on my boys while they wrestle....and watch wrestling with them...shake my booty with my ladies....and play beer pong till i puke (which hasnt happend yet...because i try not to puke!)

>Not hanging out with the Core