so work sucked last night until justin and tiffany came to see me...then we went and got a couple bottles of wine and we rented "the 40 year old virgin" (which is fucking hillarous might i add!) and got shit got no maby 4 hours or so...and had to work 10 till 9 today (which also sucked) but it was worth it. they are amazingly fun to hang out with and we have a great they can kidnapp me anytime they please and i wouldnt complain once.
and i was told that i was a unicorn. im assuming because unicorns are unique one of a kind rare unimaginable creatures...who are beautiful and mysterious....and being told i was one...well was a wonderful compliment (thank you justin) so yeah. they make me smile. great fuckin people....seriously. i love them both.
this one time...we all got snowed in 3 years ago...maby 3 1/2...but anyways...we trudged through the snow to get cases of beer at 7-11 and the day before they'd gone to the store and got tons of we stayed drunk and full the entire time...playing twister (very very drunkin twister) and having like a huge "we're way to old to be doing this" tickle fight...that i swear lasted for about 2 hours (there was like 5 of us). best blizzard ever! haha
and i was told that i was a unicorn. im assuming because unicorns are unique one of a kind rare unimaginable creatures...who are beautiful and mysterious....and being told i was one...well was a wonderful compliment (thank you justin) so yeah. they make me smile. great fuckin people....seriously. i love them both.

this one time...we all got snowed in 3 years ago...maby 3 1/2...but anyways...we trudged through the snow to get cases of beer at 7-11 and the day before they'd gone to the store and got tons of we stayed drunk and full the entire time...playing twister (very very drunkin twister) and having like a huge "we're way to old to be doing this" tickle fight...that i swear lasted for about 2 hours (there was like 5 of us). best blizzard ever! haha

My wanting to hang out with hot chicks has NOTHING to do with me going to school...its just...a bonus..i can hang out with hot chicks whenever i want.....can't i??
sounds like you have some really great friends your a lucky girl
and yes the 40 year old virgin is a pee your pants good time