last night was APW went alright. it was the first time in months that Pamela Pabst wasnt apart of it though. and durning the Marcus Smart Vs. Merek match i had tears in my eyes...not being able to be up there, just killed me. i think a small part of me died last night. and it was hard. hard to control the tears welling...
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happy birthday hot stuff

i went to see megans seinor showcase tonight...her last performance with her class at Shenendoah....she graduates in may.
i told her that i wouldnt miss it, no matter what id be there. even though we cant hang out right now...even though our world is kinda bent.
i brought her flowers, and wrote her a letter....and cried everytime she sang...because ive never gotten to see her...
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i told her that i wouldnt miss it, no matter what id be there. even though we cant hang out right now...even though our world is kinda bent.
i brought her flowers, and wrote her a letter....and cried everytime she sang...because ive never gotten to see her...
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aww i hope you feel better soon

well im still not happy...but ive been in a much better mood since friday. my best friends came into town from florida to visit for spring break. so i stayed out with them all weekend...i woke up at 1 on friday afternoon...went to work, then went to mikes with hillary and stayed up all night, went to work at 10am...worked 10 to 9...stayed up all...
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wow...most everything sucks. very very much. ive never been so damn depressed in all my life...not like i am right now. but i'll fake a smile to satisfy, and save others from coming down with me. its alright...things will be alright eventually.
i just feel so alone right now without my best friend. and you never know how truely happy you are till its taken...
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i just feel so alone right now without my best friend. and you never know how truely happy you are till its taken...
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Im sorry your feeling so down..keep pushing things will be ok..lay of the booze it will only make you feel worse

Hey girl, haven't been online in a while and now I come back to find you like this!
Well, sorry to hear shit in 'chester isn't going well. I'm actually back in town for the weekend, but I'm stuck w/ family obligations, so I can't cheer you up. Hang in there and get ready to kick life in the ass when the opportunity shows up!

Well, sorry to hear shit in 'chester isn't going well. I'm actually back in town for the weekend, but I'm stuck w/ family obligations, so I can't cheer you up. Hang in there and get ready to kick life in the ass when the opportunity shows up!

i do belive....that my world...reality as i know it has just came falling, no wait crashing....
no wait...its more like a nuclear bomb has hit my world and its detonation has destroyed everything...without warning or prepareation....
why does everything have to always explode around me?
no wait...its more like a nuclear bomb has hit my world and its detonation has destroyed everything...without warning or prepareation....
why does everything have to always explode around me?
because you fuck shit up?
so i do belive that dale finally realizes what he lost when he left me....its hard to see someones heart break...and this would be the second heart ive seen break. even though this one was unintentional, because he broke up with me. im sorry that since you made it clear to me that i was single, and you showed me a side of you i...
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okay...ive been SObusy lately i havent been able to get online, i have SO much to talk about!
thursday i went to see The Prodigy at Nations in DC! it was an AMAZING show! we met 4 people on the metro...jocyln and mike didnt end up actually having tickets to the sold out show so we didnt get to hang out with them for...
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thursday i went to see The Prodigy at Nations in DC! it was an AMAZING show! we met 4 people on the metro...jocyln and mike didnt end up actually having tickets to the sold out show so we didnt get to hang out with them for...
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i dont understand what it is....why im always made out to be the bad guy, or the piece of shit in every situation.
my mom is hounding me to get my cats fixed...okay thats nice, id love too...but however, seeing how im paying for all my dental work (about 4 grand) and im paying my chiropracter (680$ for 6 months) um....and have been paying your...
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my mom is hounding me to get my cats fixed...okay thats nice, id love too...but however, seeing how im paying for all my dental work (about 4 grand) and im paying my chiropracter (680$ for 6 months) um....and have been paying your...
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From personal experience, things always work out somehow. Even if you're not sure if you're going to have enough money to even buy ramen noodles that week you somehow manage to squeek by. Good luck hon.
things will get better money can really suck especially the lack there of. as for the menapausal mothers believe me darlin i hear ya

so i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. i was awake for the whole thing...they didnt put me to sleep at all! oh well, it didnt hurt, and it was quick, really im not in alot of pain today either...i just want a cigarette really really bad. maby someone will let me hit theres later when i go out to party.
im also going to...
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im also going to...
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so...i got antibiotics and what not for my mouth...its starting to feel a little still in a lot of pain though. i had to take the barbell outta my tounge yesterday...because its been swollen and i think it got infected from everything going on in my mouth..well i poked it through once yesterday-still open...but i forgot and fell asleep without doing it, and its...
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i hate tyler, like whoa, hate some tyler

ooh have fun with bobo..sorry about your tounge thats what i hate about body piercings when they close up so fast its quite sad