Ha! I wish I was chasing the dragon, man...look like Johnny Depp in "From Hell". Wicked scene.
Y'know, it's funny about pride...it's like, there's pride in your work, but I think a majorly important thing is humility in this life. Almost all the work that I love, all the paintings and stuff...they reflect this humility about life, this truth that's so inescapable...it's just awesome stuff.
I always know that I've got it made...I just gotta keep it that way, I think! Thanks, man
Y'know, it's funny about pride...it's like, there's pride in your work, but I think a majorly important thing is humility in this life. Almost all the work that I love, all the paintings and stuff...they reflect this humility about life, this truth that's so inescapable...it's just awesome stuff.
I always know that I've got it made...I just gotta keep it that way, I think!