One of my fave days of the year, and as requested by my friends a special surprise shot you all wanted to see

In other news , the fiance has been gone all week to England so i have been here in my place with my besties and my porno stash (by stash I simply mean the internet). Real sex would be really nice right now
pics of me before work Sat
sorry for the mess in the back yes i am a messy one
and finally My little pony rocks dont you guys think let's hear it up for the bronies out there!!!!
soon i will post pics from #NYCC but frig i wish i got pics with the SGs i was just soo busy at my booth sigh, saw porphyria and machete and other hotties!!!!<33333
<3333 so much friggen love for you all hows everyone doing love hearing from you guys sorry if my replies have been shit work is eating me again..
silly dungeon taking all my time