I should make this a short entry, but every time I start something out like that, it only tends to run on twice as long as desired. Oh damn, I've already fucked up.
Today is still wed for me, though it's thursday, only as I'm still awake. Anyway, Bill came home early, he's sleeping in my bed right now, probably still cuddled up with my good luck carebear I slipped in his arms to replace me when I slipped out to take a bath and do some updating. Come on, me and the carebear... bout the same size, he'll never notice...
Bills tattoo appointment with Stelios is Monday at 11 am and mine is that wed. at 2 pm. Yay. I hope the next session heals better, I'm running into dificulties with healing this one, which is funny because all my others, aside from my toes because I had the unfortunate event of stubbing them when fresh, healed nicely with no dificulties.
Saw the new DC movie with Leigh, I actually enjoyed this!!! I was impressed. For a movie based off a comic... SHIT. Damn, happy Meeshi. And could we get any more butter on that pop corn? "I was joking." "Oh... well shuddup" "damn this pop corns the shiz" "I FUCKING ROCK".
Yea, not much else, I was sleeping when Bill got here, he came here instead of home, and when he came in, and woke me up I automatically clung to him. I didn't realize my full intensity of missing him -though it was harsh before- until that very moment, I wanted nothing but to cling to him for a very long time, but I knew he knew he was getting a Guiness out there, and he was anxious for that after his long drive. He had a Guiness, a Black and we went to bed, but I found myself restless due to my previous nap, so here I am. But I'm however slowly creeping back into the stages of tiredness with the beatles as my guide. I suppose I shall bring this to an end.
Today is still wed for me, though it's thursday, only as I'm still awake. Anyway, Bill came home early, he's sleeping in my bed right now, probably still cuddled up with my good luck carebear I slipped in his arms to replace me when I slipped out to take a bath and do some updating. Come on, me and the carebear... bout the same size, he'll never notice...
Bills tattoo appointment with Stelios is Monday at 11 am and mine is that wed. at 2 pm. Yay. I hope the next session heals better, I'm running into dificulties with healing this one, which is funny because all my others, aside from my toes because I had the unfortunate event of stubbing them when fresh, healed nicely with no dificulties.
Saw the new DC movie with Leigh, I actually enjoyed this!!! I was impressed. For a movie based off a comic... SHIT. Damn, happy Meeshi. And could we get any more butter on that pop corn? "I was joking." "Oh... well shuddup" "damn this pop corns the shiz" "I FUCKING ROCK".
Yea, not much else, I was sleeping when Bill got here, he came here instead of home, and when he came in, and woke me up I automatically clung to him. I didn't realize my full intensity of missing him -though it was harsh before- until that very moment, I wanted nothing but to cling to him for a very long time, but I knew he knew he was getting a Guiness out there, and he was anxious for that after his long drive. He had a Guiness, a Black and we went to bed, but I found myself restless due to my previous nap, so here I am. But I'm however slowly creeping back into the stages of tiredness with the beatles as my guide. I suppose I shall bring this to an end.