Mmm Maple Brown Sugar oatmeal made with Vanilla Soy Milk. *melt*.
I'm feeling better this morning, but I was yesturday morning and I had to clock out of work early due to sudden sickness. Odd. When will this go away?
I got to talk to meh Bill on the phone last night, I miss him soooo much. I can't wait for him to come home.
Last night I slept with out the TV on and it felt weird but I was too tired to care. I left the light on for awhile too till I woke up in the middle of the night and turned it off. Today I'm supposed to clean but I find myself wanting to escape and find company somewhere with some coffee. But both take money as money for gas and money for that coffee so I'm afraid I can't. I hate being poor. Mew
I hate being without meh Bill more. Blahh.
I'm feeling better this morning, but I was yesturday morning and I had to clock out of work early due to sudden sickness. Odd. When will this go away?
I got to talk to meh Bill on the phone last night, I miss him soooo much. I can't wait for him to come home.
Last night I slept with out the TV on and it felt weird but I was too tired to care. I left the light on for awhile too till I woke up in the middle of the night and turned it off. Today I'm supposed to clean but I find myself wanting to escape and find company somewhere with some coffee. But both take money as money for gas and money for that coffee so I'm afraid I can't. I hate being poor. Mew
I hate being without meh Bill more. Blahh.
And I'll treat you to coffee, and buy you soy milk n cookies. And we'll stay up late watching movies
where's byron?