holy shit its been a while since ive been on...
THIS is what happens when your OH SO CONSUMED with school!!!
i feel like a PRISONER and it SUX!!
im in my last weeks (literally 2 1/2 weeks left) of class and this shit is WHIPPING MY ASS!!! i have soo MUCH WORK TO DO i feel like i wanna punch babies!!!
but LIKE ALWAYS, i leave things for the last possible fukn minute...i have entirely TOO MUCH hw to do and mad assignments to make up!! and of course im PROCRASTINATING as usual OBVIOUSLY if im HERE!!!
but yeah. im at the end of this journey...ive finished my bachelors...YEY, HIGH FIVES, CHEST BUMPS, TITTY SLAPS...whatever....and on to the NEXT chapter in my life...
my ass is taking a BREAK, not too long, bc i DONT want to have to start paying back student loans JUST YET....so im taking my break, and then im going to start back up and GO IN HARDCORE... PA school is NO JOKE YO... i will be M.I.A. once again for REALZ!!!
its ALL FOR THE GREATER GOOD of mankind...YES, people NEED ME!!!
so back to the books i go.....GEEK STATUS IT IS!!!

THIS is what happens when your OH SO CONSUMED with school!!!
i feel like a PRISONER and it SUX!!
im in my last weeks (literally 2 1/2 weeks left) of class and this shit is WHIPPING MY ASS!!! i have soo MUCH WORK TO DO i feel like i wanna punch babies!!!
but LIKE ALWAYS, i leave things for the last possible fukn minute...i have entirely TOO MUCH hw to do and mad assignments to make up!! and of course im PROCRASTINATING as usual OBVIOUSLY if im HERE!!!
but yeah. im at the end of this journey...ive finished my bachelors...YEY, HIGH FIVES, CHEST BUMPS, TITTY SLAPS...whatever....and on to the NEXT chapter in my life...
my ass is taking a BREAK, not too long, bc i DONT want to have to start paying back student loans JUST YET....so im taking my break, and then im going to start back up and GO IN HARDCORE... PA school is NO JOKE YO... i will be M.I.A. once again for REALZ!!!
its ALL FOR THE GREATER GOOD of mankind...YES, people NEED ME!!!

so back to the books i go.....GEEK STATUS IT IS!!!


awwe....thanks sweets!!!