so yeah...
its still hot as ballz in my bedroom....well in fact my entire house right now cause the HEAT IS BLASTIN....i mean cmon i know its fukn cold as shit outside right now....but these mofo's are tryin to bake us in our apts....thats that bullshit.....
anyway im just breezin through shit today bored as fuk cause my lovely wife is passed the fuk out hasnt moved yet.....
sexy bitch....she just lays there in bed...and im the one that CANT fall back asleep....besides. i have to get up and wash my ass go pick up the savages and head on out to a SAVAGE festival....omg we are goin to NEW ROCK u have any idea the concept of the madness that i will have to partake upon in the next couple of hours.....i HATE KIDS BDAY PARTIES......and my shit is bangin right now....i feel like someone hit me over the head with a sledgehammer.....fuk that shit....
oh...i subscribed to a bunch of diff groups as of lately and ive been makin my into's...lets see how that pans out.....maybe i can get some pos feedback from some of them....if i decide to put my 2cents in.....we shall see my lovelies...
until next time boys and girls....
its still hot as ballz in my bedroom....well in fact my entire house right now cause the HEAT IS BLASTIN....i mean cmon i know its fukn cold as shit outside right now....but these mofo's are tryin to bake us in our apts....thats that bullshit.....
anyway im just breezin through shit today bored as fuk cause my lovely wife is passed the fuk out hasnt moved yet.....
sexy bitch....she just lays there in bed...and im the one that CANT fall back asleep....besides. i have to get up and wash my ass go pick up the savages and head on out to a SAVAGE festival....omg we are goin to NEW ROCK u have any idea the concept of the madness that i will have to partake upon in the next couple of hours.....i HATE KIDS BDAY PARTIES......and my shit is bangin right now....i feel like someone hit me over the head with a sledgehammer.....fuk that shit....
oh...i subscribed to a bunch of diff groups as of lately and ive been makin my into's...lets see how that pans out.....maybe i can get some pos feedback from some of them....if i decide to put my 2cents in.....we shall see my lovelies...
until next time boys and girls....