i just got home like say 45mins ago.....my partner offered to drop me off home tonight after work so i decided cool deal..why not.....? so here i am sittin in his car it's 10:00 and i have been sittin in his car for a min....i knew that this wasnt goin to be a quick run...he told me that before he would drop me off he has to pick up his son from the witches house....the witch bein his ex.....now let me tell u a bit about this BITCH...! she is i think 21yrs old.....and behaves like a 12yr old....this man has stepped up and is tryin to take responsibility for his child....mind u this is his second child of a diff mother.....he goes out of his way and does what he is supposed to do as a parent....but like i said keep in mind that this bitch is buggin out.....i was sittin in the car for over an hour waitin for this dude to come walkin out with his kid in his hand......he comes around the corner..( i say around the corner because this psycho bitch might try to run up on the car ) huffin and puffin sweatin like a slave....pissed off like u wouldnt even understand.....they had been in the street arguin for that whole hour about random shit......she doesnt know how to behave....nor does she understand that he is tryin to be a father to his child.....this bitch is so worried about who the baby is with when she isnt around....and worried about what he is doin with the baby when she is around....u know what its non of ur fukn BUSINESS....he is a grown ass man and can handle the job of being a father.....let him live......!!!! but NOOOO she is screamin at him in the street callin out his name and even goes as far as puttin her hands on him while he is holding the baby striking both him and the baby at the same time.....now i know better than to strike someone....that is blatent DISRESPECT!!! and will have an end result in gettin bitch slapped back......but he is a real man and doesnt lay a hand on her and since she knows this she uses it to her advantage......so like i said he came from around the corner LIVID got in the car and drove to the front of her building....where she was screamin like a fukn banshee....in the street.....she sees me in the car and puts on this ridiculous show....callin me a bitch and fuk that bitch and i give a shit about u bringin ur little friends....
let me tell u how michele kept her cool and didnt get out the car and kill the bitch.....cause i wanted to SOOO bad.....i had flashes before my eyes of what i could have done to her.....she is a little punk ass bitch.....who is gonna catch a beatin or better yet get arrested.....honestly the only thing that saved her ass was her brother tryin to talk sense into my partner.....i say partner cause he is my work buddy on the ambulance....oh yeah and how would it look 3 uniformed EMT's fightin in the street....? NOT VERY PROFESSIONAL!!
needless to say we drove to the police precint in the area and he put out a report on this skank because she took the baby and fled......so i would imagine that right now this bitch is UNDER ARREST!!!! hopefully!!!!
i feel bad for my homeboy....
this is me venting....i didnt get to beat a bitch down tonight....
let me tell u how michele kept her cool and didnt get out the car and kill the bitch.....cause i wanted to SOOO bad.....i had flashes before my eyes of what i could have done to her.....she is a little punk ass bitch.....who is gonna catch a beatin or better yet get arrested.....honestly the only thing that saved her ass was her brother tryin to talk sense into my partner.....i say partner cause he is my work buddy on the ambulance....oh yeah and how would it look 3 uniformed EMT's fightin in the street....? NOT VERY PROFESSIONAL!!
needless to say we drove to the police precint in the area and he put out a report on this skank because she took the baby and fled......so i would imagine that right now this bitch is UNDER ARREST!!!! hopefully!!!!
i feel bad for my homeboy....
this is me venting....i didnt get to beat a bitch down tonight....

sidenote: some women are just shitty- sorry he had to hook up with someone like her. I know a chick who hides her kids from their dad because he doesn't want to be with her.