You know how it goes, every time you take a step forward, you stumble back a couple of steps. I have learned that life in general will never be ok, it will always be a constant struggle. I have learned this, accepted this, and live day by day knowing that you have to keep your stride and find the little things in life that keeps you happy and sane. Once these particular struggles pass, the outcome leaves you a little stronger and a little wiser. We need to go through these hard times and do whatever it must be to survive it, whether it be emotionally, mentally, or physically, to understand that we can live through the worse and still be alive and have a life. It makes life interesting, although at times unbearable, it keeps us on our toes and help us understand why we want to live. It's okay to have your moments-- cry out loud until you can't breathe, turn that music up and sing your lungs out, submerge yourself in a hot bath and pretend to commit suicide by trying to hold your breathe as long as you could-- whatever works. We need our breakdowns at times to clear our head and so you don't feel so emotional throughout the week, once you're done, brush it off and get on your grind. Nothing will come from sitting around hoping things will be better or change. Yes, things may get better but there is another struggle right around the corner, so all you can do is expect the worst and mentally prepare yourself to understand that you will not die from it. It will fuckin suck, believe me, no sugar coating that shit.. but the lesson we learn will go a long way. There will always be a light at the end of the tunnel, but you will soon cross another. Don't let the dark times ruin the other side of your life, you are still living thankfully, no point in stressing about one shit after another, the best thing you could do is do what you do best and try to have fun along the way.
Alright, time to smoke that bowl and relaxxxxxx.