I just broke up with her.
She asked me if I was still in love with my ex-fiancee. I said no. And it was the first time I meant it.
I think I just had my rebound relationship three years late.
So I feel better, for being honest and not leading her on, and at the same time I feel like a complete bastardassholeshitheadsonofabitch for making someone I really care about cry.
Being human sucks.
She asked me if I was still in love with my ex-fiancee. I said no. And it was the first time I meant it.
I think I just had my rebound relationship three years late.
So I feel better, for being honest and not leading her on, and at the same time I feel like a complete bastardassholeshitheadsonofabitch for making someone I really care about cry.
Being human sucks.
you fucktongue, you.
in seriousness: here--> my concern and support
for you
it hurts so much--to hurt. i wish we could avoid it; that causing others pain was not inevitable.
i admire that you choose to admit this pain, rather than ignore it.