Holy shit...I been gone so long, I'm starting to look normal. Haven't been too busy...just had a baby, started grad school, and planning a wedding. I think I may have to check in on here more. ;-)
HOLY SNOW!!! We got pummeled with the snow...see the snow report coverage from the '100 acre wood' [VIDEO][/VIDEO]
Hot tip: Being pregnant and hungry is the worst way to go grocery shopping
Busch Gardens tomorrow!! \ /
Off to do some canoeing. Its only 66 degrees...nah, it aint too cold to go check out the otter family.
Beautiful place
My home and all its inhabitants
Leaving the '100 acre woods' today for a beauty day out and about in 'town' with friends. Can't wait to cut my hair, over-processing is a bitch and I need to cut off about 2 inches of, what can only be accurately described as, doll hair
Did some fishing in the '100 acre wood' during this evenings high tide. Caught 5 catfish total, 3 myself...will make for good eatin The baby peacocks are getting bigger and will probably 'cut the cord' with momma by Nov. She wont even tuck them under her wing anymore when they nest at night. Saw a beautiful ring tail hawk too \o/
Sounds perfectly fantastic!
The official water gauge (a 5 gallon bucket on my back porch) of Dutton, Virginia reads 10 inches of rain accumulation in a 36 hour period.
We's a little wet in these parts
We's a little wet in these parts