ahhhh..it has been so long since i have written in here. same old excuses. i am still with my girlfriend. i still work for starshmucks. and i still love boys. yaay. ok. i am really tired right now. i have to get up soon, so I am going to go. i just wanted to say that i am still alive.
Oh! I have had a hot cocoa at your Starbucks... on a cold day after walking around the lake... EXCEPTIONAL! wink
That coffee shop was once a Zekes bait shop, I remember it well from before the lake closed because of a hydryla weed outbreak. That was in the mid 70's. Zekes had the best garlic cheese bait for catching catfish! bok
So i havent updated in a long time. mostly becuase i have a myspace and a livejournal. oh and a regular journal. so i have to split my writing between all of them.

my new obsession. gale harold. its bad. i randomly read an interview with him in a really old issue of The Advocate and now I am hooked. I just think he is...
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What happened to your friends? Did you eat them?
That sucks they moved, it always happens that way. People come and go so look on the bright-side, The exact same thing happens everybody all the time.
So my girlfriend is spending the night tonight. Dont get any funny ideas kids. We dont do things like that. Lol. I am crazy sexual and she is...well, just not. So we dont seem to have sex very often. Whateverr. I love her.

Work today was fun. Well I actually enjoy my job for the most part, becuase the people that I work with are...
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yeah, my work is like that too. and peopl do hear us... a lot.
hi biggrin
Blah. Today was a weird day. My imaginary friends came back to haunt me. They wanna know why I dont talk to them anymore. I know I am weird.

India is gorgeous. I just found her and I am glad. I was reading over her info, and its weird because we have a lot in common. Now I sound pathetic dont I? I mean, she...
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love your bio and journal!!!can't what to here more from you. also more pictures would be nice.
So today is another day. I tried taking pictures of myself. It didnt quite work. I got a little too into what I was doing and had to put the camera down wink . LoL. It has become obvious that I am going to need other people to take pictures of me. But who? I guess I need to talk to my girlfriend about this. Now...
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i need to take more pics for this too.

sweet floggy molly shirt.wink

have a good one.
so i havent updated in a long time because i haven had access to a computer. but now i finally have one again. yaay. today has been weird. i really want to start taking pictures of myself. its weird. i dont think anyone will want to see them, but maybe. i mean. i am a fat hairy chick. hehe. but i mean, my girlfriend likes...
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go on ...post them. you know you want to.
I have decided to actually update this thing for once. I am actually on my way to class right now. Its an astronomly lab so it is from 6:30-9:30 at night. Tonight is my first time so I am kinda anxious. I hope the professor is a good one. Well I have to get ready to go and I still have to buy the books...
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hi ropemeetneck.
So, how are the stars?