Fiona from the bank is evil. She wouldn't lend me any pennies. What a git. A prime git. I even cried, and not even on purpose. It's so embarassing crying infront of the bank manager, especially when you can't stop, and you make embarassing snuffling noises like a child that fell over. Heheheheee... sorry, got a mental image of children falling over and crying and it made me chuckle.

Emily. I NEED THE MUSH! I LOVE THE MUSH! IT'S SO SWEET AND MUSHY! Unlike the Viking liquorice (hahaha - I ♥ the way you phrase things darling) which is salty and rock hard. Mmm chewey. I'm not getting dressed all day. Super dooper -

Emily. Miss Emily. Come out to play. I am getting everso everso bored up here all alone with no fellow rambo-ers or people who like to dress up. I wanna dress up as a cowboy, you be rambo, and we can go out like it. It'll be funny. And Laura can come dressed as a hot blonde. Oh wait... hold on... she is! Haha 