So... i've started to get major cabin fever. I'm getting moody and grumpy, and picking fights with everyone i come in to contact with. Especially Laura.<3 Erk! I'm very over emotional, and dazed and confused due to being cooped up all poorly, and i think everything and everyone hates me and doesn't want to speak to me, when that is not true.
Basically. I'm being a cunt.
I'm also in one hell of a finanical pickle, so please make donations to the help meelee fund. Heh.
I miss Laura so damn much. I'm sulking in childlike response, and i'm going to go do more of that right now, untill i am better.
Smell you later,
Meelee x
Basically. I'm being a cunt.
I'm also in one hell of a finanical pickle, so please make donations to the help meelee fund. Heh.

I miss Laura so damn much. I'm sulking in childlike response, and i'm going to go do more of that right now, untill i am better.
Smell you later,
Meelee x

Aw honey. When can I come and visit you? I'll bring you pirate things and nice food. And if you pick a fight with me it's ok cause i'll just punch you in the face. Hehe. I just got my phonebill 110. Eeek! I had a great time thank you. Come online soon! xXx
Meelee you rock my sock! Just one. Can't have you rocking both cause there are two girls that'd get jealous. Hehe. Tuesday. Yay. I'll bring ice cream for your throat