Last night i went out for birthday celebrations dressed as rambo. I was the drunkest i've been in a while, and managed to get in to two scraps by accident! Erk! The first was this guy who pushed in front of me in a queue in Banbury's finest (HAH!) club, and i told him where the back of the queue was , and he replied with some twattish comment, so i gave him a push in the back of the queue direction and he went for me. Then this bald loser was hassling my friend outside, so i rescued her and pushed him aswell, and then got started on by his friends! I was only trying to help the world and i get involved in fighting rubbish. Pfft. I love being a pusher though, it's such a girly thing. I loved it especially as this was all whilst dressed as a rambo! Banbury is full of such idiots. Apart from these little bits of minor violence, my night was a splendor, and i'm very hungover today so it must have been good.
I miss my one. She's all the way away, and i want to see her.
I leave for NY tonight and i'm fairly excited! I'm a bit afraid though, as i always am of...well...everything really. I havent even started to pack yet either! I have Nesquik cereal bars and cuppa soups though! I'll probably need clothes too i'm guessing. Ohhh the journey is going to be LONG and LENGTHY. I can't wait for airplane food though. The small trays are one of my favourite things. I'm gonna go make some tapes for the lengthy process of flying.
I'm going to hate being so far away from my beautiful one. That's the hardest part.
I shall tell you of my adventures upon return. If i return. Oh god, now i'm paranoid and afraid.
Meelee x
I miss my one. She's all the way away, and i want to see her.

I leave for NY tonight and i'm fairly excited! I'm a bit afraid though, as i always am of...well...everything really. I havent even started to pack yet either! I have Nesquik cereal bars and cuppa soups though! I'll probably need clothes too i'm guessing. Ohhh the journey is going to be LONG and LENGTHY. I can't wait for airplane food though. The small trays are one of my favourite things. I'm gonna go make some tapes for the lengthy process of flying.
I'm going to hate being so far away from my beautiful one. That's the hardest part.
I shall tell you of my adventures upon return. If i return. Oh god, now i'm paranoid and afraid.
Meelee x

have a great wednesday!
xo annabelle