You're damned if you do. You're damned if you don't. And if you're stuck anywhere in between, you're royally fucked.

Awww you've gotta love it when you get a random sweet post don't ya? Thanks sugar. Well. I've just watched the second episode of Neighbours of 2005, and the first official "confusion" over Sky and Lana's relationship has occured. Nothing interesting, just some woman from a gay mag getting her wires crossed. But it's all a big hint towards the future eh? Hehe. Hope college was lurrrrrvely and you got to your morning lectures on time x
Meelee say's the sweetest things. I'm glad you like my child-like picture. It was fun to draw. Today was a sad day for Neighbours - no Lana and Sky, AND Luca was in it. And we all found out what was quite blatent from the start - IT'S INCEST! Gross. I'm going to pay someone to feed me marshmallows and make out every day. Lana's a lucky girl! I've actually had the best day i've had in ages. I bought the second series of Six Feet Under on DVD. Rah that's so what i'm doing till the wee hours. How are you my darling? xXx