I got caught in a storm at work today about 3 miles from home! It was soo sooo cold! But i loved it
The horse i was riding wasnt happy about it though, nor was the one i was leading.
I'm all happy again! It's my college party this evening, which should be a right giraffe and a half!
I'm planning on getting extremly drunk. Infact, i'm not planning on being sober from now untill Boxing day. Woohoo!!!!
Holidays are coming.

I'm all happy again! It's my college party this evening, which should be a right giraffe and a half!

I'm planning on getting extremly drunk. Infact, i'm not planning on being sober from now untill Boxing day. Woohoo!!!!
Holidays are coming.

Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukah and I wish you a drunken and raucous New Year

how are u doing today? good day in all?