Hiyerrr. Well i'm back from Wales and it was amazing, which suprised me as my expectations were'nt very high. I've gained loadsa new college buddies and have severely damaged my liver. I didn't appriciate the amount of evil hills in Swansea though. Un-cool.
Now i'm back on the college campus and loving every second, apart from the bit where i had to paint naked keith in life drawing. *shudders*. That was vile. Right, i could do with a sturdy pint, so i'm off t'pub. Farewell.
Sparkles and fairy poo.
Now i'm back on the college campus and loving every second, apart from the bit where i had to paint naked keith in life drawing. *shudders*. That was vile. Right, i could do with a sturdy pint, so i'm off t'pub. Farewell.
Sparkles and fairy poo.
hello new friend xxx