Right... soooo.... Dodgy weekend Alert. Consisted of random drinking of vile substances, chain smoking, and waking up with a random boy in my bed. So... i guess thats most peoples version of a NORMAL weekend, but the boy bit was most unusual for myself. I asked him if he was my boyfriend to which the young fellow replied "if you like, how was our first date?" Me - "I dunno, i fell asleep". So i've aquired myself a lovely fake boyfriend. I made it clear we were only to hold hands, and maybe hug, if he's lucky.
Woah i start college tomorrow. I have to go to Wales for 4 days for 'student bonding'. Jeez. I'm so gonna be the granny running with the 16 year olds. I'm gonna make them rebel. Hah.
Pirate luvin'
Meelee x
Woah i start college tomorrow. I have to go to Wales for 4 days for 'student bonding'. Jeez. I'm so gonna be the granny running with the 16 year olds. I'm gonna make them rebel. Hah.
Pirate luvin'

Meelee x
had to go on geog field trip too. you prob wont have to stand neck deep in rivers like i did tho. corrupting 16 year olds sounds like far more fun!
Haha, it was the same with me when I started college. I was the oldest in the class, though no one believed me. >:0