YAY! my midterms are done and it's Friday!!!
I was very excited to have a quiet night, maybe go for a quick climb at the gym, but everything is conspiring against me...my computer has disowned my ipod, and refuses to acnowledge its existance, and all of my music on my ipod got deleted, so no music....mooooop
There is a certain fellow in my building who certainly fits this description. One of the wonderful people who's brain is about the size of a pea, and his ego cannot be contained within the room.
. Normally if he isn't drunkenly banging on the door or speaking I can stand him, but tonight (oh lucky me) he has some of his ignorant gym-addict pretty-boy friends visiting! YAYAYAY!
I didn't think I could deal with one of them, now there's six.
Also, they've been drinking and think this is some excuse to come into my personal space while expecting me to be enthralled by their monosyllabic utterances.
If they come back I'm breaking one of them...
Normally I am very good at exercising restraint, but fuck it.
They could all use a good ass kicking...
*snap crunch, owwwww fuck* Take that bitches!
Edited to add...This is him....stupid fucker
I was very excited to have a quiet night, maybe go for a quick climb at the gym, but everything is conspiring against me...my computer has disowned my ipod, and refuses to acnowledge its existance, and all of my music on my ipod got deleted, so no music....mooooop
There is a certain fellow in my building who certainly fits this description. One of the wonderful people who's brain is about the size of a pea, and his ego cannot be contained within the room.

I didn't think I could deal with one of them, now there's six.
Also, they've been drinking and think this is some excuse to come into my personal space while expecting me to be enthralled by their monosyllabic utterances.
If they come back I'm breaking one of them...
Normally I am very good at exercising restraint, but fuck it.
They could all use a good ass kicking...
*snap crunch, owwwww fuck* Take that bitches!
Edited to add...This is him....stupid fucker
Sometimes I wonder if there is anything sexier than black mesh...
Anway, you can find the angry little puppy that I used for my pic all over the internet in a poster that says "I am Fluffy. I am the destroyer of worlds." It's pretty funny.
K. See-ya!