Training again is awesome!!!
My old sensei opened up his own now he can actually teach how he wants to...and not put up with a bunch of commercialized bullshit and disrespectful unfocussed students...
soo in other words...the classes rock...the curriculum is fantastic....and the people actually CARE about martial arts and their own training
Today we did a bunch of sparring and self defence stuff...the sparring was sweet because now we do continuous rather than points it's more realistic....people actually's just better that way.
and all of the self defence stuff that my sensei does is all very effective and applicable...instead of just being pretty.
I have a ton of stuff to catch up on
I got handed a book of new forms and combos and stuff to learn....that's great though...becuase now I can do a bunch of training stuff on my own.
I'm just in a very good mood.
Apparently getting hit in the head does that to me sometimes....I'm a little weird that way I suppose.
I'll have to get climbing again soon too....sometime inbetween EVERYTHING ELSE!!!
I'll figure it out.
My old sensei opened up his own now he can actually teach how he wants to...and not put up with a bunch of commercialized bullshit and disrespectful unfocussed students...
soo in other words...the classes rock...the curriculum is fantastic....and the people actually CARE about martial arts and their own training

Today we did a bunch of sparring and self defence stuff...the sparring was sweet because now we do continuous rather than points it's more realistic....people actually's just better that way.
and all of the self defence stuff that my sensei does is all very effective and applicable...instead of just being pretty.
I have a ton of stuff to catch up on
I got handed a book of new forms and combos and stuff to learn....that's great though...becuase now I can do a bunch of training stuff on my own.
I'm just in a very good mood.
Apparently getting hit in the head does that to me sometimes....I'm a little weird that way I suppose.
I'll have to get climbing again soon too....sometime inbetween EVERYTHING ELSE!!!
I'll figure it out.

Hey kiddo, Im going to come all the way down tomorrow, Im not feeling great and I think Im going to lay infront of the fire tonight, I'll be down by either 1:20, or 3:20 so I'll be ther ewehn your off work. Anyway I'll call you tonight. love you.
why were you sleeping on the ground at the hoodoos?