Thanks to the lovely Crisp for being my model last wednesday! I coloured her hair a yummy chocolate brown with some light blond pieces showing through.

Been a bit stressed lately, feeling ill, trouble with psycho flatmates, been accused of taking drugs at work because I apparently go to the toilet more often than anyone else...

Last weekend I went for drinks with a girl I haven't seen for at least 2 years. Had a great time, we got on even better than back then. We ended up going back to her house with her boyfriend, it was very enjoyable

The next day I went to hydepark for wireless to see Goldfrapp and Depeche Mode!

I'm off to the south bank now, for some sun and to cheer up the poor brazilians, they really need it i think.

I love that quote
I`m off to the boards to make my complaint
The shoes are fun but scary to walk in!
Glad you had a good time seeing Goldfrapp and DM. I wish I'd been able to go but I was on my way back to Manchester for the Summer.