10 Random Things About Myself:
1. With every hobby I start or every project I do, I either give up within a week, or get overly addicted to it. I need to replace an addiction with a new addiction before I can stop doing something.
2. I would love nothing more to be a stay at home mother someday, married and with children obviously. I want to be home to raise my future kids and also be able to cook and clean. I really enjoy the idea of being a housewife. Which goes against the fact that I have supported myself since I was 17.
3. I shake about 95% of my drinks before each time I take a sip of a beverage in a bottle. This has ended horribly before haha.
4. I only drink milk if it's fridge cold, I generally drink out of the carton because of this :)
5. I used to dress fully clothed, and now whenever I can I sleep fully nude.
6.Going grocery shopping is probably my favorite thing to do.
7. I am horrible at parking, I have a tiny car and it's still an issue.
8.I don't like getting water on my face.
9. For being as tiny as I am, I am extremely out of shape, but that's about to change today.
10.I absolutely HATE paper cuts. They are super annoying and are almost always on my fingers, which makes them ten times worse!