So I am back "home" in New York, after spending some time in Vegas. The day I left I literally thought all day about just staying there and never coming back. But I stopped myself, obviously. I'm not sure why. I have nothing here worth being back for. Not that I have a ton in Vegas, but I have people who can always put a smile on my face. Also, Vegas has no bad memories. This place I'm at now just makes me so miserable, everything reminds me of my old life and that life is not what I want to think about anymore. Running into people I used to know and care about just brings me down. I had everything I wanted once, or thought I wanted. Everyone always says to take chances, but the chances I've taken over the past 2 years have changed me in a way I don't like much anymore. I keep pretending to be happy but I am only content. I've taken risks that have ruined the few things I actually wanted in my life, and for what, to be in the same spot I find myself year after year. Trying to find that one thing that will make me happy, really happy. I feel like time and time again I have the things that everyone seems to be looking for but I don't want them, I don't know what I want. Each year it seems my life is so much different from the year before, it's never where I thought it would be. It worries me to think what I have now I wont have this time next year, maybe it's for the best.
Enough of my shitty pity party on Valentines day, I move to Vegas by April 1st!!! Let's hope this trip last longer than my last move haha. Told my current land lord that I'm out April 1st, contacting apartments this week. I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE EXCITED! I am going to miss my two jobs here buttttttttttttttt I will be so happy once I am there for good!
I just came back from there, which I just said, but here is some picture spammage from my trip and just my life in general, ENJOY! xoxo
There are more pictures but my computer is being dumb, more to come soon!!