ONE round in the chamber and Looking at the End
It's the only way to stop the pain in my head
So much wrong and not enough right
I don't have the will to fight
Tears have been shed from day to day
The hate the love the pain just won't GO AWAY
I have seen so much hurt that I have done
This anguish and agony of what to be
I run from myself each and every day
The meds the Docs its all messed up
Make me right and have the will to fight
Is it me that is sane and just the rest of the World that is all Fucked up
Why does it have to me.... make the World change for me
Every one is running in circles each and every day
Just maybe one day I will end up running into myself
Just maybe I can ask myself the questions I have really needed to know
Who the fuck are you and what the hell do you want
You know what you want and how to be
Just keep running in circles ha you'll see
That one in the chamber yeah I think thats for me
To tired to pull the trigger and make it go away
Guess I'm just a coward like every other day
I will kick back and watch the days go by
Butterflies on the flowers , sun on my face and kids in the yard, people walking hand in hand, old couple on the porch.
Is that it, what life is all about.........................or is it the man begging for money on the corner, seeing the man beating his wife, or the kid on the block selling the rock.
I guess the world is what you make it.......everything works out in the end!!!!!
OK now Like I said I am just ranting and just thoughts in this messed head of mine. This is directed to no one and should not be take serious!!!!
ONE round in the chamber and Looking at the End
It's the only way to stop the pain in my head
So much wrong and not enough right
I don't have the will to fight
Tears have been shed from day to day
The hate the love the pain just won't GO AWAY
I have seen so much hurt that I have done
This anguish and agony of what to be
I run from myself each and every day
The meds the Docs its all messed up
Make me right and have the will to fight
Is it me that is sane and just the rest of the World that is all Fucked up
Why does it have to me.... make the World change for me
Every one is running in circles each and every day
Just maybe one day I will end up running into myself
Just maybe I can ask myself the questions I have really needed to know
Who the fuck are you and what the hell do you want
You know what you want and how to be
Just keep running in circles ha you'll see
That one in the chamber yeah I think thats for me
To tired to pull the trigger and make it go away
Guess I'm just a coward like every other day
I will kick back and watch the days go by
Butterflies on the flowers , sun on my face and kids in the yard, people walking hand in hand, old couple on the porch.
Is that it, what life is all about.........................or is it the man begging for money on the corner, seeing the man beating his wife, or the kid on the block selling the rock.
I guess the world is what you make it.......everything works out in the end!!!!!
OK now Like I said I am just ranting and just thoughts in this messed head of mine. This is directed to no one and should not be take serious!!!!