I really have to stop buying gig tickets.
I have 3 gigs in the next 6 weeks and then two major ones in the summer, Radiohead at Glasgow Green
and now I'm gonna go to Leeds Festival on the Friday, which means I'll get to see Metallica, Tenacious D, Slipknot & Feeder among others, and they're just the main stage
I want to go Edinburgh Fringe this year also, just because I want to see Amanda Palmer, either solo or as Dresden Dolls, but that doesn't get announced til June. If anyone else is going to Leeds Festival by themselves on Friday then drop us a line and I'll gladly meet up, I appreciate that August is a long way off, but still, Lastminute.com has never really been my style haha.
My feet genuinely felt like they'd been repeatedly hit with a meat tenderiser for about 4 hours when I got home from work today, it was shocking, uni has definitely turned me soft as regards coping with a full day shift at work, and then I was walking round like John Wayne (ie minus knee joints) for most of this evening as my legs gradually stiffened up, which was brilliant obviously...
On the plus side House is back on channel 5 now, and because of the delay between it showing in the US and the UK hopefully we won't get any break between episodes caused by the never ending writers' strike over there. House is my favourite TV show, so for an hour a week I now get to watch someone else being cynical and sarcastic and be reminded of myself, it's quite pleasant really, so far this series I think the pick of the House-isms has been "Rational arguments don't usually work on religious people... Otherwise there would be no religious people." I'll miss tomorrows episode cos I'm away to see Reuben at Glasgow Garage (Anyone else going?) but depending on what time it is when I wake up I may dload it and watch it, mainly because I can. Ha!
Also in television related matters, did anybody see on Breakfast on BBC1 this week (Tuesday I think?) some Labour non entity who was getting interviewed, and they asked him about the immigration situation or somesuch, and specifically about the employment market, and this guy basically said that they were considering proposals whereby a foreign immigrant worker would only be given a job if an equally qualified British worker couldn't be found, so basically it seems, they want to legislate discrimination now, which strikes me as pretty disgusting. Then again, I suppose xenophobia would drive you to treading on other (less British) people's faces, which would in turn lead you to being perfectly suited for a role as MP in this country. We're not ruled by a government elected on policy, we're ruled by a government elected on promises, and the thing about promises is that they're just words and as such basically amount to propaganda and lies. I'm not saying we should elect our government on say, the basis of, whose MP's will volutarily do the most charity work to win votes, or whose in it for people that aren't themselves. But the system we've got the now clearly isn't working.
"I feel bitter and twisted right now. It's not going to change however old I am."
I have 3 gigs in the next 6 weeks and then two major ones in the summer, Radiohead at Glasgow Green

My feet genuinely felt like they'd been repeatedly hit with a meat tenderiser for about 4 hours when I got home from work today, it was shocking, uni has definitely turned me soft as regards coping with a full day shift at work, and then I was walking round like John Wayne (ie minus knee joints) for most of this evening as my legs gradually stiffened up, which was brilliant obviously...
On the plus side House is back on channel 5 now, and because of the delay between it showing in the US and the UK hopefully we won't get any break between episodes caused by the never ending writers' strike over there. House is my favourite TV show, so for an hour a week I now get to watch someone else being cynical and sarcastic and be reminded of myself, it's quite pleasant really, so far this series I think the pick of the House-isms has been "Rational arguments don't usually work on religious people... Otherwise there would be no religious people." I'll miss tomorrows episode cos I'm away to see Reuben at Glasgow Garage (Anyone else going?) but depending on what time it is when I wake up I may dload it and watch it, mainly because I can. Ha!
Also in television related matters, did anybody see on Breakfast on BBC1 this week (Tuesday I think?) some Labour non entity who was getting interviewed, and they asked him about the immigration situation or somesuch, and specifically about the employment market, and this guy basically said that they were considering proposals whereby a foreign immigrant worker would only be given a job if an equally qualified British worker couldn't be found, so basically it seems, they want to legislate discrimination now, which strikes me as pretty disgusting. Then again, I suppose xenophobia would drive you to treading on other (less British) people's faces, which would in turn lead you to being perfectly suited for a role as MP in this country. We're not ruled by a government elected on policy, we're ruled by a government elected on promises, and the thing about promises is that they're just words and as such basically amount to propaganda and lies. I'm not saying we should elect our government on say, the basis of, whose MP's will volutarily do the most charity work to win votes, or whose in it for people that aren't themselves. But the system we've got the now clearly isn't working.
"I feel bitter and twisted right now. It's not going to change however old I am."
its great you have so much to look forward too. i think that black woman is hugging that bald guy again.