So... I`m back, it has been a while, but here I am, once again (not that someone cares )
Only 30 $ for a whole year, I could not resist.
I was in the US for hm 3 Weeks, we visited Washington, New York, Norfolk, the Outer Banks and a few more locations...
I like it there but sometimes I`m asking me, how long can they do this? Use energy as hell and so on...
There are many Girls gone... does somebody know why? It`s been a while since I was here last time and it was only one month.
So enough for today, gotta go. but I think I will write more tomorrow night.
Only 30 $ for a whole year, I could not resist.
I was in the US for hm 3 Weeks, we visited Washington, New York, Norfolk, the Outer Banks and a few more locations...
I like it there but sometimes I`m asking me, how long can they do this? Use energy as hell and so on...
There are many Girls gone... does somebody know why? It`s been a while since I was here last time and it was only one month.
So enough for today, gotta go. but I think I will write more tomorrow night.
Warum warst du in den USA? (wenn ich dich fragen darf) Ich wohn in VA, also in der Nhe von Norfolk.
Klar, mein Vater arbeitet da also in der Nhe von Norfolk in Roxobel (hoffentlich ist das jetzt richtig geschrieben) das ist in der Nhe von Franklin im Norden von NC