fuckin' tired.
(note to self. really must commit to getting a new picture. I want colour.)
I got up at 8:30, stumbled around in the dark looking for clean clothes and trying to hurry so I wouldn't be late for work. When I had finally dressed and haphazardly applied some makeup, put on shoes etc, I realized, it was awfully dark for it to be 9 am.
turns out I reset my alarm clock in my sleep, instead of changing the time the alarm goes off to later, I changed the time.
So instead of washing my hair, and finding an outift that half matched, I left the house. I picked up a coffee, croissant and a fruit cup at a local cafe. It was so nice not to be rushing off to work. I think I might try to wake up ultra early on a regular basis and become an actual morning person. The city seems a lot quieter, and I like icy dawn walks.
also, if I measure my day by following the food I ate (cause I am a food fanatic, not in the weight loss sense, but in the I love to eat sense) croissant + fruitcup + coffee + harvest salad + samosas + homemade choc eclair + vegitarian super spicy tacos = pretty tasty food day if I might say so myself.
Fuckin' right.
also watched some of the trailor park boys dvd, which I must say, I do appreciate. although, I was a little surprised. It is very funny.
(note to self. really must commit to getting a new picture. I want colour.)
I got up at 8:30, stumbled around in the dark looking for clean clothes and trying to hurry so I wouldn't be late for work. When I had finally dressed and haphazardly applied some makeup, put on shoes etc, I realized, it was awfully dark for it to be 9 am.
turns out I reset my alarm clock in my sleep, instead of changing the time the alarm goes off to later, I changed the time.
So instead of washing my hair, and finding an outift that half matched, I left the house. I picked up a coffee, croissant and a fruit cup at a local cafe. It was so nice not to be rushing off to work. I think I might try to wake up ultra early on a regular basis and become an actual morning person. The city seems a lot quieter, and I like icy dawn walks.
also, if I measure my day by following the food I ate (cause I am a food fanatic, not in the weight loss sense, but in the I love to eat sense) croissant + fruitcup + coffee + harvest salad + samosas + homemade choc eclair + vegitarian super spicy tacos = pretty tasty food day if I might say so myself.
Fuckin' right.
also watched some of the trailor park boys dvd, which I must say, I do appreciate. although, I was a little surprised. It is very funny.
I just hate waking up too early. but the early mornings is quite nice though... I really dislike the hours between 8-10 AM, people seems to be in a hurry at that time, and that stresses me out.