You know, working in delis for the past three odd years has given me an interesting, albeit sometimes strange, cross section of the huddled mass of humanity that is the rural Pennsylvania town that i live in. What i want to talk about today, is the larger 75% of this graph (if you will) of personality and people. Yes, you know, the jackasses.
Now normally i don't have any qualms about the customers i work for, despite the deeply seated dislike I have for the majority of people i am forced to be in contact with on a daily basis. But today. a few things really got to me, and that is saying quite a bit, as it takes either a while, or something particular, to get under my usually thick skin. First thing? I AM NOT AN ORDERING MACHINE. I am a human being, please try to remember that next time you get your lunch meats, There are few things more annoying and frustrating then when I try to politely say Good WhateverTimeOfDayItIs, and am abruptly cut off by you ordering your crap. Then you might have the nerve to just walk off when your done telling me what you want, instead of sparing the few minutes of your time, which, lets face it, aren't that valuable to begin with, to stick around, so I can make sure i get your fucking order the way you want it. These people, of course, have to be extremely common, like, every fucking day of the week common. Fortunately, the worst offenders aren't so nice stop by as often. These bastards have so little going for them, that the only way for them to feel superior and important is to try and make me feel like the small and insignificant one, by being overtly rude, unnecessarily picky, and completely stuck up. Guess what, Dumbass? The only one who looks insignificant by this little charade of yours, is you! Trust me, when i say, I am not impressed, and neither is anybody around you. So you can take your shitty attitude and all the crap I did for your lazy ass (without any thanks, either) and go home so you can cry about how goddamn lonely you are, and how nobody will probably ever love you, and eat your sandwich.
Sorry about that, i really had to rant. In conclusion, DON'T FUCK WITH THE PEOPLE WHO GIVE/SERVE/MAKE YOUR FOOD!
Now normally i don't have any qualms about the customers i work for, despite the deeply seated dislike I have for the majority of people i am forced to be in contact with on a daily basis. But today. a few things really got to me, and that is saying quite a bit, as it takes either a while, or something particular, to get under my usually thick skin. First thing? I AM NOT AN ORDERING MACHINE. I am a human being, please try to remember that next time you get your lunch meats, There are few things more annoying and frustrating then when I try to politely say Good WhateverTimeOfDayItIs, and am abruptly cut off by you ordering your crap. Then you might have the nerve to just walk off when your done telling me what you want, instead of sparing the few minutes of your time, which, lets face it, aren't that valuable to begin with, to stick around, so I can make sure i get your fucking order the way you want it. These people, of course, have to be extremely common, like, every fucking day of the week common. Fortunately, the worst offenders aren't so nice stop by as often. These bastards have so little going for them, that the only way for them to feel superior and important is to try and make me feel like the small and insignificant one, by being overtly rude, unnecessarily picky, and completely stuck up. Guess what, Dumbass? The only one who looks insignificant by this little charade of yours, is you! Trust me, when i say, I am not impressed, and neither is anybody around you. So you can take your shitty attitude and all the crap I did for your lazy ass (without any thanks, either) and go home so you can cry about how goddamn lonely you are, and how nobody will probably ever love you, and eat your sandwich.
Sorry about that, i really had to rant. In conclusion, DON'T FUCK WITH THE PEOPLE WHO GIVE/SERVE/MAKE YOUR FOOD!
Yeah lizards make really great, landlord-friendly pets. I do seem to have a bit of problem keeping his goddamned crickets in their frakkin' cage though. Luckily the basement apartment I have now is full of spiders to eat any escapees. 

There's this crested gecko powdered food stuff (you mix it with water in a weird paste stuff) made of dried nectar, fruits, etc. that you can feed them and that's supposed to be the only thing you have to feed them. Mine won't even touch the crap. Kind drives me crazy but Petey loves his crickets.