I can't be arsed with being down! It's been an nightmare few weeks which peaked earlier...please see previous entry.
To all those concerned
el infierno son los otros.
To everyone else I love you all
Sorry if i;ve been quiet and not around and all. But I shall have some money soon and will be willing to travel/get drunk/dance/rock/get fucked.
Now back to the cloud the shape of a killer shark
sleep well boys and girls and try not to have nightmares (unless they involve me dressed head to toe in leather with a rather large whip!) heh!
come see Kate, me and the rest of Gin Panic rock on Wednesday 6th Sept. at the Bull and Gate in Kentish Town, we are on at 9pm and flyers are available from www.ginpanic.com
To all those concerned
el infierno son los otros.
To everyone else I love you all

Sorry if i;ve been quiet and not around and all. But I shall have some money soon and will be willing to travel/get drunk/dance/rock/get fucked.
Now back to the cloud the shape of a killer shark

sleep well boys and girls and try not to have nightmares (unless they involve me dressed head to toe in leather with a rather large whip!) heh!
come see Kate, me and the rest of Gin Panic rock on Wednesday 6th Sept. at the Bull and Gate in Kentish Town, we are on at 9pm and flyers are available from www.ginpanic.com
hope you feeling better, will buy you a black one on wednesday.