Damn I am bored. I am off sick today nursing my sore head.
I have watched daytime tv
I have cleaned the house
I have been to the shops
I have been on-line
I have read my book
It is now 3pm and fuck, I can't think of anything to do. I think I will go back to work tomorrow.
I feel like a bored child.
Well I am off to do much Napoleon Dynamite style sighing
I have watched daytime tv

I have cleaned the house

I have been to the shops
I have been on-line
I have read my book
It is now 3pm and fuck, I can't think of anything to do. I think I will go back to work tomorrow.
I feel like a bored child.
Well I am off to do much Napoleon Dynamite style sighing

Well shucks

Make yourself a quesidilla....Fine!!!! I love Napoleon.