Yuck, English Land Law sucks ass. I've just finished a very intense week at college. 30 tutorials in 6 days. It is not easy studying for a legal qualification and working full time to support myself. I am feeling really
tonight. So I thought I come home, cook myself some delicious pasta and drink a nice bottle of wine.
I also treated myself to this
Not the girl, the corset.
I pick it up on Friday morning just in time for my trip to Amsterdam for Queens Day. I am really looking forward to having some time off and spending some time with this guy
I can't wait.
I really missed band rehearsals this weekend. I hate not getting to hang out with my band and play some rocking tunes.
Anyway, I am off to watch mind numbing telly, I think I deserve after the week I've had.

I also treated myself to this

Not the girl, the corset.
I pick it up on Friday morning just in time for my trip to Amsterdam for Queens Day. I am really looking forward to having some time off and spending some time with this guy

I really missed band rehearsals this weekend. I hate not getting to hang out with my band and play some rocking tunes.
Anyway, I am off to watch mind numbing telly, I think I deserve after the week I've had.
Oooo the polka dots are pretty.

I'm ok, thanks for asking. Roll on Friday for the above...