Just booked my trip to Amsterdam for Queens Day 2005. Honestly it is the best street party in the world and I can't wait to go back again this year. So it is time to dig out the old orange shirt in preparation. Now I have to sit here patiently waiting until my flight on 29 April.mmmm Need things to pass the time....hmmmm
So I have very little else to say, i have spent all week partying. Free stuff from work. Got too drunk on Wednesday night, went to work on Thursday, started drinking around 12:30pm, Friday too it slightly easier with gramsci's birthday: Good food, good wine, good converstaion =
. Followed closely by kicking it in a club with Kate, Bloodflowers and Loslocos The result is one very tired, broken person.
I thought I'd copy everyone else...original thought is so far away from me right now.
A is for age: 23
B is for booze: All of it except aniseed based drinks.
C is for career: Rock Star
D is for dad's name: Brendan
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Cigarettes, lots of them.
F is for favorite song at the moment: Washer by Slint
G is for girlfriend: Kate
H is for hometown: Portarlington
I is for instruments you play: Bass
J is for jam or jelly you like: Bonne Maman Strawberry
K is for kids: No thanks! I hate them all.
L is for living arrangements: mmm, unconventional, with my ex and the lovely Jonnie.
M is for mom's name: Ann
N is for name of a friend: See Girlfriend, also Julien, Alex, Mono one beginning with N Niall.
O is for overnight hospital stays: 3
P is for phobias: clowns, heights.
Q is for quote you like: I have nothing to declare except my own genius.
R is for relationship that lasted longest: 6 years
S is for sexual position: Ride 'em like a cowboy.
T is for time you wake up: 7am
U is for unique trait/feature: I can function on fuck all sleep.
V is for vegetable you love: Onion
W is for worst trait//feature: I get irritable when tried.
X is for x-rays you've had: chest, hand, knees, foot, ankle, back.
Z is for zodiac sign: Libra, Rooster.
So I have very little else to say, i have spent all week partying. Free stuff from work. Got too drunk on Wednesday night, went to work on Thursday, started drinking around 12:30pm, Friday too it slightly easier with gramsci's birthday: Good food, good wine, good converstaion =

I thought I'd copy everyone else...original thought is so far away from me right now.
A is for age: 23
B is for booze: All of it except aniseed based drinks.
C is for career: Rock Star
D is for dad's name: Brendan
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Cigarettes, lots of them.
F is for favorite song at the moment: Washer by Slint
G is for girlfriend: Kate
H is for hometown: Portarlington
I is for instruments you play: Bass
J is for jam or jelly you like: Bonne Maman Strawberry
K is for kids: No thanks! I hate them all.
L is for living arrangements: mmm, unconventional, with my ex and the lovely Jonnie.
M is for mom's name: Ann
N is for name of a friend: See Girlfriend, also Julien, Alex, Mono one beginning with N Niall.
O is for overnight hospital stays: 3
P is for phobias: clowns, heights.
Q is for quote you like: I have nothing to declare except my own genius.
R is for relationship that lasted longest: 6 years
S is for sexual position: Ride 'em like a cowboy.
T is for time you wake up: 7am
U is for unique trait/feature: I can function on fuck all sleep.
V is for vegetable you love: Onion
W is for worst trait//feature: I get irritable when tried.
X is for x-rays you've had: chest, hand, knees, foot, ankle, back.
Z is for zodiac sign: Libra, Rooster.

Y is for why miss me out?