Woah what happened here! I mean you turn your back for two minutes and they go messin' with everything and I can't find my way around properly
I'm feeling much better since my last entry. Thank you for all of the kind messages that you left me, it is nice to know people care.
I had a pretty magic day yesterday, I watched the England game with some friends in the Grand Union with hotdogs and pints:-) then it was all back to ours for some barbequed meat. Lost_dog was very excited by the prospect of setting fire to all manner of chicken products basted in various sauces much to Brokenhouse's amusement!
Why do flip flops give you blisters? But saying that I'm going to buy these when I get paid next!

I'm a complete whore for Lulu Guinness! They'll be no good for walking the hills of Kalymnos next month, but hey I'll look like a 1950's starlet when I'm doing it!
Gin Panic are gig lots and lots, the next gig is on the 23rd June Upstairs at the Garage in Islington!

I'm feeling much better since my last entry. Thank you for all of the kind messages that you left me, it is nice to know people care.
I had a pretty magic day yesterday, I watched the England game with some friends in the Grand Union with hotdogs and pints:-) then it was all back to ours for some barbequed meat. Lost_dog was very excited by the prospect of setting fire to all manner of chicken products basted in various sauces much to Brokenhouse's amusement!
Why do flip flops give you blisters? But saying that I'm going to buy these when I get paid next!

I'm a complete whore for Lulu Guinness! They'll be no good for walking the hills of Kalymnos next month, but hey I'll look like a 1950's starlet when I'm doing it!
Gin Panic are gig lots and lots, the next gig is on the 23rd June Upstairs at the Garage in Islington!

I can't be having with flip-flops, I have to walk like an ungainly penguin to stop them flying off my feet.