Life has been pretty hellish recently hence why i haven't updated in over a week. School is taking its toll. Doing homework everyday for hours, spending 12 hour days at school. When I'm not at school I'm working. Oh and I have a prospective job to prepare for. Interview at 8 am saturday morning. If I get the residence assistant job I would save so much time. And I'd be out on my own.
More Blogs
Tuesday Mar 08, 2005
Well that intview was pretty pointless. I spent 20 minutes talking to… -
Monday Mar 07, 2005
I have an interview in 15 mins, wish me luck I'm gonna need it. I'm n… -
Monday Feb 28, 2005
Today was a pretty messed up day. I actually got some work done today… -
Friday Feb 25, 2005
Holy crap now this is just a little frightening. Nuclear Detontation… -
Wednesday Feb 23, 2005
Went to a karaoke box last night for the first time last night. It ki… -
Saturday Feb 05, 2005
Tell me if this is a fucked up thought process: I was asked by a cow… -
Saturday Jan 29, 2005
I'm entering one of my life is going to get reall shitty before it ge… -
Tuesday Jan 18, 2005
Well I decided to make my life a little easier this term. I'm droping… -
Sunday Jan 16, 2005
Wow it's been entirely too long since an update. You can blame that l… -
Tuesday Dec 28, 2004
Wow its been a little too long since I have given a coherent update. …
Anyway, water under the bridge.