One of her best friends asked me what was wrong while at work Saturday. Well I told her and now I'm really unsure of whether or not to go for it. Her friend didn't tell me no but then again she hinted to not go for it. At least that was my interpretation of it. You decide:
"She is very picky about the guys she chooses" and she was very curious what it was about her that I liked.
I don't know if that is good or bad.
I'm slipping back into depression. Life is so stressful and my life is going to hell. School and work are takeing it out of me.
Today my credit limit on the credit card is alot bigger. Oh so very tempting to get an ipod but I don't want to have any more debt and after next month I probably won't. YAY
Tonight, my life is dedicated to finishing up all that my group and I need to do. Tomorrow night, my life may be dedicated to doing nothing.
I think that's the key. You have to remember to do nothing once in a while.
Watch out for that depression. It will give you a swift kick in the nuts if you're not careful.