Fell kinda lame nothing really new to report. School + work = no outside life. Speaking of which I have some homework to put off doing. Last saturday was quite interesting though was rather mischievious. 4 lbs of dry ice, water and 3 liter bottles. I couldn't believe how much force was exerted when they blew. Chunks were flying 20+ ft in the air!
Bond issue taken care of. They fucking deposited it in some other fucks account. I get my $ back though so who cares.
Gonna reformat my hard drives here fairly soon. Got alot of other random shit floating arround on the comp. when you purchase a pc anymore why do they give you all this other software that you have no choice but to install with the os. I fucking want my legitemate liscense damn it. And fuckem too for all of the cd/dvd copy protection shit. That is fucking illegal, you are allowed to create a back up copy of anything you own. GRR
Well off to school for my one class of the day woo hoo. The downside is that I've got alot of school work to do.
Now for some QOTD
1. Happiest moment of your life?
Graduation from high school, finally get to live and not waste my fucking time.
2. Do you like the baldness? why or why not?
Yes cause random girls come up and rub my head, j/k mostly for the convenience factor
3. Favorite superhero?
Donnie Darko
Bond issue taken care of. They fucking deposited it in some other fucks account. I get my $ back though so who cares.
Gonna reformat my hard drives here fairly soon. Got alot of other random shit floating arround on the comp. when you purchase a pc anymore why do they give you all this other software that you have no choice but to install with the os. I fucking want my legitemate liscense damn it. And fuckem too for all of the cd/dvd copy protection shit. That is fucking illegal, you are allowed to create a back up copy of anything you own. GRR

Well off to school for my one class of the day woo hoo. The downside is that I've got alot of school work to do.
Now for some QOTD
1. Happiest moment of your life?
Graduation from high school, finally get to live and not waste my fucking time.
2. Do you like the baldness? why or why not?
Yes cause random girls come up and rub my head, j/k mostly for the convenience factor
3. Favorite superhero?
Donnie Darko
what kind of video games do you play?