I got really really plastered tonight/this morning. Speaking of which its almost time for me to go to sleep. Went to a party with the_cheat catered by a culinary student.(complete asshole that left a huge mess for the birthday girl to clean up) I being an incredibly nice guy couldn't stand to see some strangers apartment trashed and I was some stranger at her party. Well the good thing is that it hit it off with the bday girl and she wants me to be her roommate starting in november. Well now i've got alot of crap to do in the next few months. Including breaking the news to the rents who are having money problems as it is(too many bills for crap they don't really need, you know vacations, etc). I really wonder if I'll be able to keep the truck or if they'll have to sell it to fend off the debters. I'm feeling kinda bad doing this to them. I'll talk to my grandma to see if i can get a loan from her or if i'll have to go to a bank. Hmm wonder what shes doing with the old truck...
Its all so overwhelming now too much crap to do and school starts tomorrow. Fuck.... Well i guess life is going to be rather hectek(sp).
I've gotta do some serious number crunching and hard talks with family members.
I'm about ready to cry.
Alright now its several hours later 6 to be exact. Still very tired but want to get some sims 2 in before I have to go to work.
Any of you medical people out there what causes people to wake up in a cold sweat? Whenever I drink I always wake up early after drinking because of this, however I never get a hangover.
Its all so overwhelming now too much crap to do and school starts tomorrow. Fuck.... Well i guess life is going to be rather hectek(sp).
I've gotta do some serious number crunching and hard talks with family members.

Alright now its several hours later 6 to be exact. Still very tired but want to get some sims 2 in before I have to go to work.
Any of you medical people out there what causes people to wake up in a cold sweat? Whenever I drink I always wake up early after drinking because of this, however I never get a hangover.