Dude I just got some of the best news any gamer could get. The potential for a free top of the line 3.6 Ghz 2mb buffer Pentium 4, I just about did a back flip in joy. My dad's an Intel employee and when he found out that I was gonna build myself a new computer he mentioned that they give out free processors to employees that are upgrading comps. And before they are available to the public. Now I just have to shell out money for the board and that saved me about a thousand dollars...
The only downside to it is that I'll have to wait for my processor, I am gonna pick up the graphics card, dvd burner, case, ram and power supply tomorrow hopefully but if i can get a better price online i'll take it

The only downside to it is that I'll have to wait for my processor, I am gonna pick up the graphics card, dvd burner, case, ram and power supply tomorrow hopefully but if i can get a better price online i'll take it
You ARE a lucky bastard...share the wealth man!