Wow time to go to school so all distractions vanish. Definately have to hit up a coffee shop today.
Wish me luck on my exam. I really had hoped to get much more studying done.
Lifes getting a little busy, gotta go find a sage green hoody, batteries for my player, and a 5 page reflective paper with a webpage update. hmm gonna be a long night.
Yay i finished studying for my physics exam but i just realized it's comprehensive so i've gotta go skim about 8 chapters....
lame excuse for the day:
"I didn't see the sign that said special on the refrigerator"
-F Dunwoody
Wish me luck on my exam. I really had hoped to get much more studying done.
Lifes getting a little busy, gotta go find a sage green hoody, batteries for my player, and a 5 page reflective paper with a webpage update. hmm gonna be a long night.
Yay i finished studying for my physics exam but i just realized it's comprehensive so i've gotta go skim about 8 chapters....

lame excuse for the day:
"I didn't see the sign that said special on the refrigerator"
-F Dunwoody
What is neuroengineering? Just curious, I haven't heard the term before. I actually started out studying electrical engineering, then didn't like it and ended up in biology. But having an electrical engineering background has been a huge help - most biologists are trained to memorize, not think critically and analyze. And that's what's really important.
My research is in neurophysiology, mostly. I've developed an in vitro cellular model recapitulating the inferior olive to deep cerebellar nuclear synapse, and am using it, in combination with some behavioral modeling and molecular biological techniques, to determine what a particular protein isoform called CRD-Neuregulin is doing at that synapse.