today my roomate john said he could look through my ear into my head, and the only thing he saw was a british guy in spandex pants playing guitar and rocking out
well thew halloween party was sucess, minus the three new dents in my wall that stee do installed to add to the ones corey and steve made. i got a new car that i love.
and tonight im going ghostbusting.
so im back and alot of craziness happened. read my LJ cuz im not typing again.
im still pissed off. oh well.
jen is the gretest and social d rocks.
everyone should come to my halloween party, aim me for details
I am not going to Conneticutt for a Halloween party... NYC gets my first visit..
however, keep in touch, take care, and have a grand old time.
What is more beautiful than a hottie sitting on a jonathon adler couch in a social distortion shirt and blasting "story of my life"? Angelina Jolie doing it. In "Life or Something Like It". yeap. yummy.
so after way too long i am finally back. and it looks as if i will be back for halloween too. so party at my crib!
and im going to have a few weeks of vacation starting sunday. so yay to that.
everyone tell me everything important that happened, i feel left behind.
I have moved home, still pining after the ex, trying to get my job situation figured out. Missing LA, having lots of sex with different people... some I posted so you would have to be bored one night and want to read all my journals..
what is with this crazy grad school trend?
most of my friends are having trouble getting good jobs with 4 years of college. it used to be tough to get a job w/o a high school diploma, then w/o a college education. now everyone wants you to have a masters. whats next, a world where you have to have a PHD to get a job?... Read More
Well...funny that you should mention something like having the gov pay for your schooling....they do in federal subsidized loads at a percent rate of 2.something that is deffered if you are still in school..and only a sucker pays for grad school...every friend i have that went to grad or beyond had the school pay for everything past the bs...there are ways to get around paying an arm and a leg for schoolin' upfront....and student loans are a form of good long as it's payments are on time...but we can talk more about that when you get home from duty or a critical testing or whereever you are...
yeah, i havent updated in a long time, its been a rough bit o time. my cousin passed away. and money, taxes and ex wives suck!
but going home to DC, new car stereos and my gf all rock, so i cant complain to much.
and i dont believe in being sad when people die anyway.
well heres a new once since its been forever since i updated and all.
been pretty busy with Gen. she's really the greatest.
my bro and sis and my bros GF (thats girlfriend. if youre like me and you see that you think guardian force- im such a nerd) came up to CT this weekend. so i took them to boston and got them all... Read More
Actually I live in NYC so I don't go to SGCT events.. this will be my first. But the snow definitely ruined my limited Connecticut time..
& I want to go to a pub, too! Though all of my friends are at school.
The Darkness - greatest band of all time. seriously. takes me back to the days when carbauja and i tried to get the choir and the drumline to play along with our epic song "Seal Clubbing in E minor" at the Gong Show in high school. Its always been a dream of mine to start a 70s style rock band, and these guys have done... Read More
Ahh, my roommate and I love The Darkness! I bruised my fingers while voting for them over and over on MTV's Video Clash. And then we sang it all night & our two other roommates almost fought us.
well im back till summer so yay to that,
and today i came homeand corey and stevo took all my board games and set them up allover my room. theyre everywhwere! its still not as bad as when they gift wrapped everything. oh well i hope everyone had a fun time while i was gone,even squiggly even though imapparently not her friend anymore.