Wednesday Aug 03, 2005 Aug 3, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email So now I'm working my ass off. I hate my job and I'm not making any work of any consequence. The only people who enjoy my work are leaving forever. But enough bitching.
Monday Apr 25, 2005 Apr 25, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email yeah i guess im still around, just finished up another year of fanshawe fine arts, and the ensuing partys bric a brac and etc that goes with it. Jumping right back into work again. sigh no rest for the wicked.
Saturday Dec 20, 2003 Dec 20, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email wow doing that picture thing took way too long, but no ones going to see it so who cares. meato: Well I guess I'm back after an extended hyatus of poverty. I should really update my profile Apr 25, 2005